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One customised Tarot & Numerology horoscope for 12 months with the highlights for every month (important things to take care of, what to pay attention to and other advise).
From January to December or for the 12 months starting from the month you're in or the one right after it. You will receive it as a .pdf file by email or as a printed file per post. It includes photos of all the cards.
Please remember to indicate in which format you wish to receive it (digitally as a .pdf file or printed) and your date of birth (day, month, year) when purchasing this reading, thanks.
YOU CAN ALSO BOOK THIS AS A LIVE READING, EITHER IN PERSON OR ONLINE. Please specify you preference when you book, thank you.

12 Month Taroscope (Tarot Horoscope)

Productcode: 006
€ 115,00Prijs
  • Purchase a Tarot & Numerology Horoscope for you or for someone else. The written reading will be sent by email as a .pdf file or by snail mail printed on paper.

  • If you'd like to gift this reading to someone, please tell us their birth date (if you know it) and what to write to the person in question when we send it to them, for ex. your birthday wishes, a love message, a "get well" wish or anything like that. Thanks!

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